The Holiday Reading Jar: A Tradition Of Literacy and Love
When my children were young we began a holiday tradition of picking a holiday book title from our "Holiday Jar" every night for our bedtime story. Our jar was filled with book titles for Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. As a mother my goal was to raise children who respected all faiths, cultures, and people. My children were raised Christian with a touch of Judaism because their Grandfather is Jewish. We had a Christmas tree but we also had a menorah. We had friends who celebrated Kwanzaa so we read books about Kwanzaa to be able to share in our friends traditions. Since we love understanding all people and cultures in our world we also read about holiday traditions in other lands...real and make-believe. We threw in a few winter books because in Pennsylvania and in New York the places we lived it is cold and snowy during the holiday season. My children grew up to love and respect all people.They also love to read. Like their Mom they are collectors of books. Though my children are now grown we still have a holiday reading jar and still choose books to read every night while my children are home visiting. Reading together at Christmas Time created a bond and a tradition that is everlasting.
P.S. I'm so glad that I have asked my friends and acquaintances for their favorite holiday books. This makes our holiday jar complete. I will of course add them to our real holiday jar too. What a better way to feel close to a dear family member or friend by reading their favorite holiday book! Thank you to all who have contributed. What's your favorite holiday book? Message me, and I will add it to my holiday jar, my most favorite family tradition by far!
Mitt Aubin's Holiday Jar Favorites:P.S. I'm so glad that I have asked my friends and acquaintances for their favorite holiday books. This makes our holiday jar complete. I will of course add them to our real holiday jar too. What a better way to feel close to a dear family member or friend by reading their favorite holiday book! Thank you to all who have contributed. What's your favorite holiday book? Message me, and I will add it to my holiday jar, my most favorite family tradition by far!
Winter Rabbit By: Patrick Yee
Winter Rabbit is a fun book for children. it is perfect for the first snowfall of the season. Children will wish that "Winter Rabbit" could be real. After reading this book children will want to go outside and build their own, "winter Rabbit."
The Story Of Hanukkah By: David A. Adler

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell By: Lucille Colandro
This is a whimsical story about an old, lady who swallowed a bell and a few other things! It's cute. There are a lot of valuable school activities that can be used with this story.
Pronoun Practice:
Story Sequncing:
Hurray Santa! By: Julie Sykes
When my children will young, my son Nathan was so hard to wake-up! I had to literally pick him up out of his bed and gently lay him on the floor before he would wake up! His Dad and I bought him this book to explain what can happen if you don't get up on time! In this book, Santa has something in common with Nathan!
My First Kwanzaa By: Karen Katz
A round-faced, happy little girl tells about her family's Kwanzaa celebration. The simple text and colorful illustrations with vivid patterns make this a good book to share with children. Karen Katz through the story explains the seven days of Kwanzaa and the seven principles of Kwanzaa. Also, the reasons for candles, fruits, crafts, and vegetables used during Kwanzaa are mentioned. Adults will appreciate the brief note about the holiday and the phonetic spelling of the Swahili words. This book was not available for my children's holiday jar when they were young, but it is in the jar now for future generations to enjoy!
The Wild Christmas Reindeer By: Jan Brett
As are all of Jan Brett's picture books, The Wild Christmas Reindeer, is beautifully illustrated. This is the story of Teeka who lives in the Arctic on Santa's Christmas farm. Sant asks Teeka to prepare the reindeer for their journey on Christmas Eve. Poor Teeka is nervous because she wants everything to go perfectly. The reindeer however, are less than cooperative! This is a life lesson for Teeka and all children that sometimes when we try, things happen and sometimes we have to start over. Children need to learn to never give up, because in the end, with diligence, the project and it's glory will be well earned and won!
As in Jan Brett's beautiful artistic style, the sides of each page are numbered with beautiful illustration's that countdown to Christmas Eve.
North Country Night By: Daniel San Souchi

My children loved reading about animals. North Country Night, is a sleepy-time story about a cabin in the woods, a gentle snowfall, and how the animals of the forest wake at night. Who knew that the forest at night was abound with activity.
Grandma's Latkes: By: Malka Drucker
A poignant story about a little girl making latkes for Hanukkah with her Grandma. A child learns by observing and doing. In this story Grandma is teaching Molly a family tradition that she will never forget. Grandma also tells Molly the story of the first Hanukkah. I can clearly picture the conversation between Molly and her Grandmother as they prepare latkes for their family. A recipe for latkes is included.
A Kwanzaa Miracle By: Sharon Shavers Gayle
When Ashley and her brother Darryl include their lonely neighbor Mrs. Jackson in their Kwanzaa celebrations, they take part in a Kwanzaa ceremony they'll never forget. A beautiful story to share with children.
The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey By: Susan Wojciechowski
The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, is definitely on my top ten list of Christmas books. It's a tearjerker! It's the story of Jonathan Toomey a talented woodcarver who is deeply saddened due to the loss of his family. He keeps to himself and is considered a miserable loner. A young boy named Thomas and his mom the widow McDowell cause a Christmas miracle in Jonathan's life. This book was a favorite of my children: Eric, Kirsten, Nathan, and Rachel Lynn. The illustrations by P.J. Lynch create a warmth to this gorgeous picture book. They are delicate and detailed. I will be reading this book with my children during this holiday season.
Santa's Kwanzaa By: Garen Eileen Thomas
The first thing I see when I view this book is the cover! I love it! It was originally designed by illustrator: Gary Francis. Santa's Kwanzaa is a sing-songy rhyming text. Garen Eileen Thomas bklends Christmas and Kwanzaa together to create a delightful story. Santa, Mrs. K., and the elves are all African-Americans who help others get ready for Christmas before celebrating the seven nights of Kwanzaa with presents and special foods and traditions. Santa is "Santa Kwas" in this story. Santa has dreadlocks and wears a kente-cloth robe adored with white fur. His seven elves are named for the seven principles of Kwanzaa, with their names explained briefly on the last page. On the last night of Kwanzaa, the elves and Mr. and Mrs. Kwas take flight with their reindeer so that Santa can send a special message of peace and goodwill to the world, spelled out in stars against the northern lights. A nice book especially for families who blend the holidays of Christmas and Kwanzaa.
A Wish For Wings That Work By: Berkley Breathed
Once upon a time...there was a penguin named, Opus! Opus wanted to fly! Opus believed deeply in Santa Claus. He believed that if you ask Santa for a special gift with your whole heart that Santa will make your dream come true. Opus saves Christmas...but I won't tell you if he receives his dream of flying! I'd dislike spoiling the ending!

Olive, The Other Reindeer By: J.Otto Seibold and Vivian Walsh
When my daughter, Kirsten was in first grade, she kept coming home from school excited about "Olive the Other Reindeer." This was a picture book that we just had to own! This just might be the most adorable Christmas story ever! If you love Christmas, and dogs, and cookies...this just might be your favorite Christmas book! It's a very fun read!
Eight Wild Nights By: Brian P. Cleary
This very well might be my favorite Hanukkah book! It's modern and funny. It's a realistic tale about Hanukkah from a child's perspective that will make you giggle a little! Families have the art of being not perfect but this just makes a not perfect holiday even more heart-warming and memorable! A very fun story!
Cross_Country Cat By: Mary Calhoun
My daughter, Kirsten was lucky enough to have her copy of Cross-Country Cat, autographed by illustrator Erick Ingraham. Since it is my daughter Rachel who loves cats, this book is for her! It's a cute story of a hind-leg walking cat, which my kids loved because we have a hind-leg walking poodle named Kirah! The cat is the only character in the book with a name, Henry. Henry goes on an adventure! He even tries cross-country skiing though this is more of a realistic tale, sort of! It's a nice wintery tale!
The Christmas Wish By: Lori Evert
The picture book begins: "Long, long ago, in a place so far north that the mothers never pack away wool mittens, lived a sweet little girl named, Anja, whose greatest dream was to become one of Santa's Elves."... The author and illustrator's daughter, Anja inspired this book one day by the absolute beauty of her with reindeer. This book is a four year labor of love by the family of three. The photographs which Anja are in are amazing! Lori Evert, the author is, a prop, set, and wardrobe stylist. This picture book is also one of my personal favorites!
The Power of Light By: Isaac Bashevis Singer
This is a collection of eight stories one for each night of Hanukkah. In the Holiday Jar, each story is written on separate pieces of paper.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer By: Robert L. May

Quirky Claus By: Sebastian White
I LOVE Quirky Claus for being so "not perfect"! Quirky Claus tries his best but his grand attempts at doing Christmas in his own outlandish style get in his way! His eternal optimism keep him going. In the end he gets the job of Christmas done! Sometimes late but still accomplished! Quirky Claus is modern for today's kids! The illustrations by Izabela Sularz and Simon Goodway are bold and engaging. This is a wonderful Christmas story to be enjoyed again and again.
The Twelve Days of Christmas By: Jan Brett
The Christmas Song: "The Twelve Days of Christmas" beautifully illustrated by Jan Brett. The
Twelve Days of Christmas was a cummulative song from England that was first published in 1780. later in 1909 Frederic Austin added "Five Golden Rings" and put the lyrics to a traditional folk melody. Jan Brett created a book to treasure!
The Legend of the Poinsettia By: Tomie De Paola
This Mexican legend tells how a sad little girl brings a bunch of green plants to the Christ Child. Once at the altar, the plants bloom into beautiful red flowers that look like stars.In Mexico, the poinsettia is called flor de la Nochebuenao flower of the Holy Night. At Christmastime, the flower blooms and flourishes, the quite exquisite red stars lighting up the countryside.
Santa is Coming to New York: By: Steve Smallman
This is a new book in my collection that I just have to have last year! Last year, before being added to the Holiday Jar, I shred this book with my school students. We had completed an unit on New York History and were doing an unit on Christmas Around the World. I included this book to discuss Christmas in the united States. It's a great little book, wonderfully illustrated by Robert Dunn. I love the pictures of New York City! This book is part of the "Santa is coming to.....?
This Is The Star By: Joyce Dunbar and Gary Blythe
This Is The Star By: Joyce Dunbar and Gary Blythe
A book about the birth of Jesus on Christmas. Every page begins with, "This is..." and adds something new in the sequence leading to the birth of Jesus. This book is beautifully illustrated with realistic pictures.
White Snow, Bright Snow By: Alvin Tresselt
White Snow, Bright Snow was written in 1947 so it has that retro feeling. It is the story of winter in a small, rural town. Since I am from a small.rural town, I appreciate this story very much. The story ends in spring. Children delight in seeing the snow accumulating in the pictures as they read through the book.
Santa Duck: By: David Milgrim
An adorable tale about a barnyard duck who finds himself unknowingly, on a mission for Santa Claus himself! All Santa Duck really wants to do is find Santa Claus to tell him his Christmas wish list! A fun story that will delight children with a surprise ending!
The Gift of the Magi By: O'Henry
The Gift of the Magi is a classic Christmas story which is fitting because it was brought to my attention by Mrs. P. (Kathy Kinney) who brings classic children's stories to life in classrooms across America. The Gift of the Magi is a heart-warming story about a young, poor, married couple who want to give each other the perfect Christmas gift. The young wife has $1.87 to buy her husband a Christmas gift. Both the husband and wife make great a sacrifice unknown to each other to surprise each other with a heart felt Christmas gift.
As Mrs. P. pointed out, this a a great story to share with our youth because so many families struggle during the holidays to give their loved ones gifts. The Gift of the Magi will be added to my family's holiday reading jar!
The Littlest Angel By: Charles Tazewell
The Littlest Angel, was first released in book form in 1946. It tells of a little angel who simply can't get with the program no matter how hard he tries. He is homesick and feels better when he is allowed to retrieve a box of his most treasured possessions from his home. When it comes time for the baby Jesus to be born , the Littlest Angel gives his precious box to the baby, but he is worried that God will think his gift too humble. However, God is pleased indeed, and transforms the box into the Star of Bethlehem. A beautiful story. It is the favorite of my dear friend, Diane Davis. Diane and I attended Marywood University together in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
The Cat Who Came for Christmas By: Cleveland Armory
The Cat Who Came for Christmas, was submitted by a new friend. Her name is Jena Ball.She is the creator of CritterKin, a goofy pack of mixed breed pups.
CritterKin is a series of stories designed to teach children that animals (critters) are family (kin). This is why The Cat Who Came for Christmas is the perfect pick from Jena! Jena's pick is a delightful book not only for Christmas but any time you want a feel-good story. Cleveland Armory, the founder of, The Fund for Animals, finds a scrawny cat on Christmas Eve and takes him home on temporary basis, until a suitable home is found. Armory is actually a dog person! Who can resist a temperamental, abused kitty and a six foot plus man who rescues him. This book will touch your heart. By the way, Jena's #notperfect CritterKin will too!
Frosty the Snowman By: Annie North Bedfordrosty the Snowman Adapted from the song by: Annie North Bedford
White Snow, Bright Snow By: Alvin Tresselt
White Snow, Bright Snow was written in 1947 so it has that retro feeling. It is the story of winter in a small, rural town. Since I am from a small.rural town, I appreciate this story very much. The story ends in spring. Children delight in seeing the snow accumulating in the pictures as they read through the book.
Santa Duck: By: David Milgrim
An adorable tale about a barnyard duck who finds himself unknowingly, on a mission for Santa Claus himself! All Santa Duck really wants to do is find Santa Claus to tell him his Christmas wish list! A fun story that will delight children with a surprise ending!
The Gift of the Magi By: O'Henry
The Gift of the Magi is a classic Christmas story which is fitting because it was brought to my attention by Mrs. P. (Kathy Kinney) who brings classic children's stories to life in classrooms across America. The Gift of the Magi is a heart-warming story about a young, poor, married couple who want to give each other the perfect Christmas gift. The young wife has $1.87 to buy her husband a Christmas gift. Both the husband and wife make great a sacrifice unknown to each other to surprise each other with a heart felt Christmas gift.
As Mrs. P. pointed out, this a a great story to share with our youth because so many families struggle during the holidays to give their loved ones gifts. The Gift of the Magi will be added to my family's holiday reading jar!
The Littlest Angel By: Charles Tazewell
The Littlest Angel, was first released in book form in 1946. It tells of a little angel who simply can't get with the program no matter how hard he tries. He is homesick and feels better when he is allowed to retrieve a box of his most treasured possessions from his home. When it comes time for the baby Jesus to be born , the Littlest Angel gives his precious box to the baby, but he is worried that God will think his gift too humble. However, God is pleased indeed, and transforms the box into the Star of Bethlehem. A beautiful story. It is the favorite of my dear friend, Diane Davis. Diane and I attended Marywood University together in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
The Cat Who Came for Christmas By: Cleveland Armory
The Cat Who Came for Christmas, was submitted by a new friend. Her name is Jena Ball.She is the creator of CritterKin, a goofy pack of mixed breed pups.

Frosty the Snowman By: Annie North Bedfordrosty the Snowman Adapted from the song by: Annie North Bedford