Sunday, September 21, 2014

Collaboration Team

         When creating a plan to serve a student with an IEP (Individual Education Plan) or 504 plan,it takes a team effort. The team can be called a collaboration
team. Have you ever heard the statement that it "takes a village" to raise a child?   This saying holds true for educating a child as well. The collaboration team consists of many people. It may include:  the special education teacher, a general education teacher, the parents, the student, the speech-language pathologist, a physical therapist, occupational therapist, a school psychologist, a guidance counselor, the special education director, possibly the school principal, a social worker, and a parent advocate. The collaboration team consists of anyone who is involved in the education of the child. The special education teacher who is also the student's case manager is the liaison for all persons involved in the child's education. The special educator must interact with all persons on the child's collaboration team frequently to ensure that the student's program is running smoothly. The case manager must make sure that every service stated on the IEP is being delivered. If their are glitches in the students program or if the student needs changes in the delivery of programming then the case manager must contact the Director of special education to meet as a collaborative team to makes changes to the IEP, 504 plan, or delivery of instruction to ensure that the students needs are being met. The collaboration team is a valuable component of the child's education.

 Educator Links:

10 APPs for Math Fluency-

See What it is Like to be Autistic-

Parent Link:

Differences in Parenting?  How Your Child may be Using it Against You

Book Review:

The Happy Hedgehog written by Marcus Pfister. It is a beautiful story about a grandfather hedgehog and his grandson, Mikko. Mikko learns through his travels that there is no place like home and the grandfather learns that Mikko is a wise grandson. 

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